





Alfresco : l’open source améliore la qualité des logiciels

9 juillet 2008

Le caractère libre ou open-source d’un logiciel améliore la qualité de ce dernier. C’est ce qu’annonce les dirigeants d’Afresco, la solution libre de gestion documentaire, basée sur des logiciels libres et lancée par des anciens de Business Objects et de Documentum.

Selon John Powell, le fait d’utiliser une licence libre permet de pénétrer le marché plus facilement, les gens utilisent ces produits sans peur. Cela permet également de recevoir l’opinions des utilisateurs afin d’améliorer le produit. La communauté apporte beaucoup d’idées nouvelles qui n’auraient sans doute pas vu le jour avec un logiciel propriétaire/fermé/privateur.

Tiré d’un article en anglais de linux.com.

Extraits :
"We are able to reach a huge market, very rapidly, with minimal costs. As soon as you make the product free and give people a license, it allows them to use the product without fear. It’s going to win out in that natural dissemination. With closed source, it takes a lot longer to get to use the product. By putting everything out there, it enables you to capitalize on that moment. You have a very big advantage. And you get the advantage that others share their opinion to help you make the software better."

"When a proprietary company starts, a couple of engineers come up with a really smart idea and they program it. Then the company starts marketing. They might have great success — but not many engineers can then come up with a second great idea. By keeping your product secret, you limit the way that it can evolve and you shut off the path of free ideas from the outside world. If you look at our original roadmap, 50% of the roadmap is still there, but 50% has changed in two years because people in the community have had better ideas. We wouldn’t have that sort of input if it were closed source." (www.linux.com)

- Voir en ligne : Alfresco founder says open source makes software better (www.linux.com)

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